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La simetría y la teoría de los arcos en las aplicaciones técnico – tácticas de los deportes de combate.

Sandy Cabrera. Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Resumen: Desde la antigüedad, algunas disciplinas de combate han preservado la forma y el orden a través del uso de simetrías geométricas para encontrar un equilibrio entre los dos contendientes. En este artículo discutiremos cómo se utiliza la simetría y diversas teorías para lograr dicho equilibrio en deportes como el judo, la lucha olímpica, el taekwondo y el karate. Palabras claves: Simetría, teoría de los arcos, teorema de Pitágoras, suma de vectores, combate. Abstract: Since antiquity, some combat disciplines have preserved form and order through the use of geometric symmetries to find the balance between the two combatants. In this article, we will discuss how symmetry and various theories are used to achieve such balance in sports such as judo, Olympic wrestling, taekwondo, and karate. Keywords: Symmetry, arc theory, Pythagorean theorem, vector addition, combat. Introducción. La simetría e

El papel de la motivación en la práctica sistemática de las actividades físicas

Yunier Hiosbani Jimenez Segura. ↗️ (ORCID) Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Abstract Through the different observations to classes have been found various manifestations of complexity in the behavior of the process and the results of teaching-learning skills in the physical education class of higher education, which led to the verification of the dynamics of the process and the study of the products of physical activity, identifying an insufficient state of motivation in the practice of physical exercises. Phenomenon that causes delay in the fulfillment of the learning objectives foreseen in the physical education program. Reversing such a situation is the purpose of such research. In this sense, the purpose of this work is to make an assessment of the current state of motivation towards the practice of physical activities, which would allow offering motivating activities. For this, a sample of 110 students of the Foreign Languages career was t

Teorías de aprendizaje adecuadas al surgimiento de las aplicaciones técnicas de los deportes de combate

José Angel Delgado Leyva. ↗️ (ORCID) Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Abstract: This study aims to analyze the suitability of different learning theories in the teaching of techniques in combat sports. Through a systematic review of 26 scientific literatures, it examines how observational, constructivist, and social and experiential learning theories compare with traditional theories in terms of effectiveness and applicability. The results reveal that 80% of the reviewed literatures support the superiority of observational, constructivist, and experiential theories. These theories are particularly effective in promoting deep and adaptable learning, enabling athletes to internalize and apply technical skills in real combat situations more effectively. The study’s conclusions suggest that training programs in combat sports should integrate teaching methods based on constructivism and experiential learning to maximize learning effectiveness. Addition

El Tai Chi como propuesta de ejercicios terapéuticos adecuados a la psico-profilaxis en la ginecobstetricia

José Rodolfo López Alonso ↗️ (ORCID) . Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Abstract This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic Tai Chi exercises in improving the quality of life of pregnant women, with a particular focus on reducing common symptoms such as lower back pain, fatigue, anxiety, and stress. A controlled and randomized clinical trial was conducted with a sample of 20 pregnant women, divided into two groups of 10 participants each. The intervention group practiced adapted Tai Chi for 8 weeks, while the control group did not perform any specific intervention. Physical and psychological variables were measured before and after the intervention period, using validated questionnaires and structured interviews. The results indicate that 90% of the women in the intervention group experienced significant improvements in their quality of life compared to 30% in the control group. Specifically, lower back pain decreased in 70% of t