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Develando el Movimiento de Acceso Abierto en América Latina: Tendencias actuales y oportunidades

José Angel Delgado Leyva. ↗️ (ORCID) Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access. Abstract: The Open Access movement has been gaining momentum throughout Latin America, as evidenced by the growing number of academic publications, research institutes, universities, and other organizations that have embraced Open Access initiatives. Open Access is a set of principles and practices that promote free, immediate, and unrestricted access to academic research and information. It is considered an important way to democratize access to knowledge and promote the exchange of information between different countries and regions; in Latin America, it has been adopted by researchers, universities, and governments, and has created opportunities for collaboration and innovation. This article will explore the current trends and opportunities associated with Open Access in the Southern region of the Americas, and provide valuable insight into how the movement is impacting the r

Actividad propioceptiva, sensomotricidad e intervención didáctica en la formación inicial en el Boxeo

Pedro Menandro Calzado Vargas. ↗️ (ORCID) , Yoany Peña Rosales, Daniel Lorenzo Calzado Mercantete.  Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Abstract   Adolescence is the initial formative phase of boxing, it is a crucial moment and multiple understanding and intervention resources, psychological, sociological, personological and biological, respond to influences from the internal environment and the environment, interaction influenced by neuro-endocrine metabolic regulation mechanisms in the control of oxidative stress. The physical-biological and psychological, produce abrupt changes in the emotional state, which influence from the sensory and motor in the execution of specialized movements, aspects that are often misunderstood. It is in this sense that the proposal to link the regulation mechanisms in the didactic treatment of the content in boxing from the knowledge, skills and values that make it up, the mastery of the specialized movements integra

La simetría y la teoría de los arcos en las aplicaciones técnico – tácticas de los deportes de combate.

Sandy Cabrera. Get rights and content. Under a Creative Commons license . Open access  Resumen: Desde la antigüedad, algunas disciplinas de combate han preservado la forma y el orden a través del uso de simetrías geométricas para encontrar un equilibrio entre los dos contendientes. En este artículo discutiremos cómo se utiliza la simetría y diversas teorías para lograr dicho equilibrio en deportes como el judo, la lucha olímpica, el taekwondo y el karate. Palabras claves: Simetría, teoría de los arcos, teorema de Pitágoras, suma de vectores, combate. Abstract: Since antiquity, some combat disciplines have preserved form and order through the use of geometric symmetries to find the balance between the two combatants. In this article, we will discuss how symmetry and various theories are used to achieve such balance in sports such as judo, Olympic wrestling, taekwondo, and karate. Keywords: Symmetry, arc theory, Pythagorean theorem, vector addition, combat. Introducción. La simetría e